Professur fuer Forstzoologie und Entomologie Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br. Professur für Forstzoologie
und Entomologie
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br.

Professur für Forstzoologie
und Entomologie
Freiburg i.Br.

Androconial organs in Danainae: Danaini

Gnatzy W, Fischer OW, Kiesel A, Vane-Wright RI, Boppré M (2019) Diverticula in male Lycorea halia butterflies (Lep.: Nymphalidae: Danainae: Danaini: Itunina) - support organs for everted hairpencils with unique ultrastructure. Neotrop Entomol: in press

The involvement of the diverticula, typical for Itunina, in protrusion and expansion of hairpencils by male Lycorea halia is demonstrated for the first time. They facilitate maintaining the haemolymph pressure necessary to keep the hairpencils everted. The diverticula are curved hook-like lobes, open to the body cavity and densly filled with threads made of a central fibril bundle which is surrounded by two cells. Such complex structures have not been reported for insects previously and might indicate additional functions, but their role(s) remains a puzzle.

Boppré M, Vane-Wright RI (1989) Androconial system in Danainae (Lepidoptera): functional morphology of Amauris, Danaus, Tirumala and Euploea. Zool J Linn Soc 97: 101-133.lesen / read

The morphology of abdominal and alar androconial organs of four species representing four genera of danaine butterflies is described in detail, based mainly on scanning electron microscopy. The findings are discussed with respect to functional significance and phyletic development of the organs.